Multiple Dua
1. PROTECTION AGAINST ALL EVILS Hazrat Abdullah bin Khubaib (R.A) narrates thta one dark, gloomy, rainy night, we came out in search of Rasullullah . When we finally found him he said to us: "Read!" We asked: "What must we read?" He replied:"Recite...
Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas 3 TIMES morning and evening. It will suffice for you against all things (from evils fo witchcraft, blackmagic, mischief, of jin, etc.)" [MISHKAT, P.188]
**SURAH IKHLAS** Qul huwallahu ahad, Allahus sama lamyalid, walam yulad, walam yaqullahu kufuwan ahad.
Qul aoozo birabil falaq, min sharri ma khalaq, wamin sharri ghasiqin iza waqab, wamin sharrin nafathati fil uqad. Wamin sharri hasidin iza hasad.
Qul aoozu birabbin-nas, malikin nas, ilahin nas, min sharril waswasil khannas. Allazee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin nas. Minal jinnati wannas.
2. ELIMINATION OF THE GRIEF OF BOTH THE WORLDS Hazrat Abu Darda (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah mentioned:
"Whosoever recites 7 times morning and evening the following Dua, Allah Ta'ala will suffice for him by removing his grief of this world and the hereafter." [Roohulmaa'ni, P.53]
Hasbiyallahu lailaha illahuwa alaihi tawakkaltu wahuwa Rabbul arshil azeem.
"Allah sufficeth me. There is none worthy of worship but He alone. On Him is my trust, He is the Lord of the Supreme Throne."
3. ANGELS SEEK FORGIVENESS ON ONE'S BEHALF Hazrat Ma'qal bin Yasaar (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah said:"Whoever recites 3 times in the morning:
Aoozo billahis sameeil aleem minash-shaitanir-rajeem. and thereafter the last 3 ayats of Surah Hashr 1 time, 70 000 Angels are appointed by Allah, who seek forgiveness on his behalf till the evening. Should he die during the day, he will die as a Shaheed (martyr). Whosoever recites the above dua in the evening will enjoy the same virtue till the morning."[MISHKAT P.188]
Last 3 verses of Surah Hashr (recite once)
Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwa alimul ghaibi wash-shahadati huwar Rahmanur Raheem. Huwal lahul lazi lailaha illa huwal malikul quddoosus salamul muminul muhaiminul azeezul jabbarul mutakabbir. Subhanal lahi amma yushrikoon. Huwallahul khaliqul bariul musawwiru lahul asmaul husna. Yusabihu lahu mafis samawati wal ard wahuwa azeezul hakeem.
Subhanal lahil azeemi wabihamdihi wa lahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
5. PROTECTION OF ONE'S DEEN, LIFE, FAMILY AND WEALTH Hazrat Ma'qal bin Yasaar (R.A) narrates:
Once I expressed my fears to Rasulullah over 5 things in my life. I feared that I would be misled or deviate from the Siraatul-Mustaqeem. The second was regarding my life. I feared harm or illness would befall me. The third was about my children, that they would suffer Deeni or worldly harm. My fourth concern was my wife, that she too may suffer physical or spiritual harm. the fifth fear I had was over my wealth, should there occur a loss of income or property. After listening to my fears, Rasulullah taught me the following Dua:
To be recited 3 times morning and evening,
Bismillahi ala deeni wanafsi wawaladi wa ahli wa mali.
"May the blessings of Allah be on my Deen, life, children, family and wealth." [Kanzul-Ummaal, Vol.2, P.636]
6. PROTECTION AGAINST ALL HARM Hazrat Abaan bin Uthmaan (R.A) narrates that he heard his father saying that Rasulullah mentioned:
"Whosever recites the following dua 3 times in the morning and evening, will not be harmed by anything." [MISHKAAT P.209]
Bismillahil lazee layadhuru ma'asmihi shayun fil ardhi walafis sama. Wahu was sameel aleem.
7. DUROOD-E-TUNJEENA The blessings of this durood are abundant. It is protection against all types of plagues and diseases. One experiences complete serenity and ecstasy of the heart. This is one that has been prescribed by the Walis of Allah, who in their experiences have found it to be very effective. [ZAADUS-SAEED]
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wamaulana Muhammadiw wa ala ali sayyidina wamaulana Muhammadin salaatan tunjeena biha min jameeil ahwali wal afati wa taqdheelana biha jameeil hajati wa tutahiruna biha min jamee hajati wa tutahiruna biha min jamee is sayyiati, watarfauna biha indaka a'lad-darajati watu ballighuna biha aqsal ghayati min jami il khairati, fil hayati waba'dal mamati. Innaka ala kulli shayin qadeer.
8. PROTECTION AGAINST WITCHCRAFT By reciting the following ayaat 3 times in the morning and in the evening, one will be protected from witchcraft. If one is already suffering from witchcraft it will be removed.
Fa lamma alqaw qala Moosa ma ji'tum bihis sihr. Inallaha sayubtiluhu, inallaha la yuslihu amalal mufsideen. Wa yuhiqqul lahul haqqa bikalimathihi, walaw karihal mujrimoon.
"O People! Seek Allah's protection against severe calamities, trials and tribulations, misfortunes wretchedness, evil fate and the taunts and malicious joy of the enemies." (MIRQAAT VOL.5, P.222)
Allahumma inni aoozubika min jahdil balai wadarkish-shaqai, wasoo il qadhai, washama-tatil-adai.
10. GAINING ALLAH'S GUIDANCE AND PROTECTIONAGAINST THE EVILS OF THE HEART Hazrat Imraan Bin Husain (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah taught his father Hazrat Husain (R.A), the following 2 duaas, which he used to read continuously:
"O Allah, inspire me with guidance (imbue me with the correct and best decisions in times of dilemma) and protect me from the mischief of my soul." [TIRMIZI]JAWAAHIRUL-BAKHARI P.157] Allahumma alhimni rushdi. Wa aizni min sharri nafsi.
Hazrat Shaddaad bin Aus (R.A) narrates that Rasullullah stated that Sayyidul-Istighfaar (the most loftiest of all types of repentance), is that a servant says the following:
Allahumma anta Rabbi Lailaha illa anta khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastaata'tu, aoozubike min sharri ma sana'tu aboou-laka-binematika alayya wa aboou bizambi faghfirli fainnahu la yaghfiruz zunuba illa anta.
12. SAVIOUR FROM SHIRK-E-KHAFI(Performing ebadat for show and ostentation)
The following Duaa was taught to Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) by Rasulullah as a protection against becoming a victim of minor shirk. It should be recited 3 times [Kanzul-Ummaal, Vol.2, P.816]
Allahumma inni aoozubika an ushrika bika wa ana a'lamu wa astaghfiruka limala a'alam.
The following dua is such a comprehensive dua that it includes in it all the duas of Rasulullah over 23 years. It should be recited once. [JAWAAHIRUL-BUKHARI P.572] Hazrat Abu-Umaamah (R.A) narrates that Nabi made a large number of duas during his lifetime. However, a few of us could barely remember any. We asked:
"O Rasulullah! You have made so many duas, but we are unable to even remember a few." Rasulullah replied:
"Should I not show you such a comprehensive dua that includes all duas? Read the following:"
Allahumma innin asaluka min khairi ma sa alaka minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahualaihi wasallam, wa aoozubika min sharri mastaza minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahualaihi wasallam wa antal musta an wa alaikul balagh walahawla walaquwwata illa billah.
dari Suhbah MSN-13-11-2011
dari Suhbah MSN-13-11-2011
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