
Dua's III

Senin, 14 November 2011
That Allah kindly accept our works
and make complete all requests that are hoped for,
and make good our affairs,
both manifest and hidden, in religion
in this world and in the Hereafter;
and that He may repel evil from us
and attract good for us and our loved ones,
our parents, our teachers of religion,
with grace and well-being, with the intention that
Allah may illuminate our hearts and our souls
with godliness and guidance and purity,
and make us to die in the Religion of Islam
in true belief and faith without trial and examination
by right of our Master the son of 'Adnan
and with every good intention.
And (finally) to the holy presence 
of the Beloved Muhammad-
Allah bless him and give him peace-
and whoever aids him.
May Allah reward all of you!
(Recite Surah al-Fatihah)


Bi'l qabul wa tamaami kulli su'l wa ma'mulin
wa salaahi'sh sha'n zaahiran wa baatinan
fi'd deen wa'd dunya wa'l aakhirah
daafi'atan li kulli sharr jaalibatan li kulli khayr
lanaa wa li ahbaabinaa wa li waalideenaa
wa mashaayikhina fi'd deen
ma'allutfi wa'l 'aafiyati wa 'alaa niyyati
Annallaha yunawwiru qulubanaa
wa qawaalibanaa
ma'attuqaa wa'l hudaa wa'l 'afaafi
wa'l mawti 'alaa Deeni'l Islam-i wa'l Imaan
bilaa mihnatin wa laa imtihaanin
bi-haqqi Sayyidi waladi 'Adnan
wa li kulli niyyatin saalihatin
wa ilaa Hadrati'l Habib Muhammad-in
Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam
wa man waalaah
Al-Fatihata Athaabakumullah
(Recite Surah al-Fatihah)

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